2024 年 04 月 17 日
Carbon Journal Prize 2024
Carbon Journal Prize 2024
The journal Carbon and its publisher Elsevier will be awarding the Carbon Journal Prize, given for “an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in carbon material science and technology”. The journal is now accepting written nominations for this award, which is open to researchers who have successfully defended a Ph.D. thesis in the calendar year 2023 (the date of the thesis defense, rather than the graduation date, is to be used as the criterion for eligibility). The selection will be made based on the quality and importance of the Ph.D. research, and preference will also be given to thesis research that has led to at least one publication in the journal Carbon.



 The nomination should include  
Time、Place and ScaleNominee’s CV;


1. Nominee’s CV;

2. A three-page summary of the major results of the thesis, including a statement on the importance to carbon science;

3. A one-page nomination letter from the thesis advisor; 

4. Documentation of successful thesis defense during 2023.


The prize includes an award certificate, and a cash prize of 1,000 USD as travel funds to help the recipient attend a scientific conference of their choosing, present their research findings, and interact with the international carbon community.


 How to submit  


The deadline for entry is May 17, 2024.Please submit nominations to the Carbon Journal Prize Selection Committee by email to: and

  • Dr. Zhexu Zhang
    Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China.
    Tel: 18038109461
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